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Financial Services

Patient Financial Services



To see if you may qualify for Financial Assistance, click here:

Financial Assistance Screening




Patient Financial Services

Customer Service

415 E. 1st St., Gibson City, IL 60936

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M-F


We are pleased that you chose Gibson Area Hospital for your health care services. The Patient Financial Services Department at Gibson Area Hospital is here to serve you and your financial needs. We understand that health insurance and medical bills can sometimes be challenging to understand. We are here to help you in any way we can. For any questions about your bills, don't hesitate to get in touch with the GAHHS Central Billing Office at 217-784-2245. Again, thank you for choosing Gibson Area Hospital. We are proud to have you as a patient at our facility.


About your Hospital Bill:

Gibson Area Hospital is committed to providing quality health care and service to all patients. To continue in this mission, payment must be received for services provided.

As a courtesy to patients and their families, Gibson Area Hospital submits hospital claims to any insurance company according to the information supplied by the patient. To do this efficiently, the insurance card must be presented at the time of registration or admission.

An itemized bill for services rendered at Gibson Area Hospital will be sent upon request of the patient/and or responsible party. Patients and/or the responsible party (sometimes called the “guarantor”) will receive a statement for each open account and any activity occurring since the last statement.


Pricing: Price Transparency Files

To view a list of common standard charges and shoppable services click the links below:

Gibson Area Hospital Standard Charges


Gibson Area Hospital Shoppable Services


Patient Responsibilities

Prior Authorization
An increasing number of insurance carriers now require authorization before receiving hospital services. Most of these plans require the admitting physician or the policyholder to initiate the prior authorization procedure.

If your insurance company has such a requirement, please inform your physician or contact your insurance carrier. Failure to meet your insurance requirements may result in partial or complete denial of insurance benefits.


Payment Responsibilities

An anticipated insurance payment does not replace the patient’s obligation to pay any outstanding balance. In certain situations, if insurance payment is particularly slow, Gibson Area Hospital reserves the right to make payment the direct responsibility of the patient or responsible party.


When a Patient Owes a Balance

It is expected that all guarantors will make “good faith” efforts to pay any balance due the hospital. Patient Financial Services will work with you to establish a reasonable settlement of all the balances that are the guarantor’s responsibility. An account is considered delinquent when:

 •No payment arrangements have been made within 30 days of the final insurance payment or final billing for self-pay accounts.
 •There is no response to phone calls and/or letters.

All patients will receive one final notice and a grace period of 10 working days to forward any required payment. Disputed balances will be subject to review by Patient Financial Services before further collection efforts are pursued. In those cases where Patient Financial Services has exhausted all efforts to collect the balance due Gibson Area Hospital, the account will be referred to a state-licensed agency for follow-up and collection. The cost to collect the account will be added to the original balance owed. Gibson Area Hospital has full-time personnel available to assist the guarantor in establishing financial arrangements to meet the needs of the patient and Gibson Area Hospital. To assist the guarantor in meeting his/her obligations, Gibson Area Hospital provides the following:


Gibson Cares Program:

Gibson Area Hospital recognizes that there are occasions when a patient will not be able to pay a medical bill. Since obtaining care at Gibson Area Hospital is not dependent on one’s ability to pay, Gibson Area Hospital expects the patient to document and qualify for charity or “free care”.

The patient and/or responsible party must provide the following information for Gibson Area Hospital to determine the appropriate amount of charity care to be applied to the patient’s account.

 •Financial Assistance Application / Spanish Version
 •Proof of income for the previous three months
 •Copy of the latest federal income tax return

Consideration for charity is based on the patient’s and/or responsible party’s financial status in comparison with the Federal Government’s Poverty Income Guidelines. A printed version of the Financial Assistance Application is available upon request at the front desk of the hospital.


For more information about the Gibson Cares Program, please visit the Financial Assistance Program page

How to Contact Us

To contact Gibson Area Hospital directly call (217) 784-4251. For Security Concerns please call the Security Officer at (217) 784-2370. For general questions or comments about the GAHHS website, fill out the form on the contact page or email .

 Contact Us
 (217) 784-4251
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